Published: 15 January 2017
Jonathan Byrne B.A. DipEd, M.Ed began this year as Principal of St Augustine’s College in Brookvale, Sydney, Australia. What follows are some of the words of introduction he presented on the website of the College.
He wrote: As the new Principal of St Augustine’s College I look forward to the privilege of leading such a wonderfully rich community of learners. I will continue the tremendous work done, focusing on the provision of an engaging and creative learning experience for young men. I welcome our community to the 2017 school year, and look forward to the many opportunities to celebrate the achievements of the students and staff of the College.
Our College is a Catholic Congregational school for boys in Years 5 to 12, teaching the Augustinian values of Truth, Love and Community. Offering an educational experience shaped by our Patron, Saint Augustine, the College accompanies young boys on their journey to becoming well-rounded men; young men who will move with a sense of self-assurance into a global community with a strength of character, intellect and generosity of spirit; modern men who can and will act, using their talents and gifts, to lead and serve others.
St Augustine’s College is first and foremost a Catholic school. We practice our faith and strive to live it out daily in the way we treat each other, the way we learn and through our Social Justice Programme. We are a family school in partnership with our parents. Our sense of community is strong and paramount, and our boys are safe and happy.
The College has celebrated sixty years of Catholic education and is committed to continuing the foundations laid by the worldwide Augustinian Order. Proud of our traditions and achievements accomplished in our first sixty years since the commencement of the College in 1956, we continue to build upon the work of those who have preceded us. With strong research and evidence, we carefully take the best of our history and traditions and shape them to meet our current needs in the delivery of a challenging, contemporary education. We are dedicated to the celebration of achievement, creativity, effort and improvement in each domain of our academic, spiritual, sporting, cultural and service learning. It is our belief that every young man can benefit from immersing himself in the culture of the College and achieve success.
The College has earned its reputation as a Catholic school of excellence. Holistic growth and improvement is modelled by excellent staff and expected of our students. As an aspect of an Augustinian education, learners develop an appreciation that life learning is critical to becoming successful men. St Augustine’s College continues to be an accessible Catholic independent school providing a rich multicultural, globally aware education. Supported by our ongoing Master Plan, we continue to develop facilities designed to support our creative and contemporary pedagogy.
We teach boys to be focused on being their best. They learn to collaborate with each other and compete with themselves. Personal challenge requires high expectations to be set on development, self-discipline, effort, respect paid to others, self-worth, behaviour, courtesy, maturity, role modelling, leadership by example and resilience to the setbacks that occur on life’s journey.
Our pastoral care for each student is vital to ensuring the wellbeing essential for good learning. The extensive co-curricular programme provides boys with opportunities in sport, music and a vast range of cultural activities.
Only Truth Conquers (Saint Augustine Sermon 358, 1)