Published: 27 July 2014
A major initiative of the College Council over the past eighteen months has been strategic planning and renewal. The outcome is the 2014-2018 Strategic Plan that will be launched on 27 August 2014, during Villanova’s celebration of the feast of St Monica, the mother of St Augustine.
The strategic planning process has become an integral part of achieving Villanova’s vision and mission as a Catholic school for boys in the Augustinian tradition. Dating back to the mid-1990’s the strategic direction for Villanova has been set by a number of five-yearly strategic plans, with the previous plan covering the period 2008 – 2012. A major outcome of that previous plan was the building project to establish three distinct school precincts to support and reflect the ‘three schools one college’ vision.
In mid-2012 the College Council appointed a Strategic Planning Taskforce to coordinate and manage the strategic renewal process. Membership of the taskforce included some members of the College Council, the College principal and some of the assistant principals and school heads. The taskforce conducted formal consultations with the College community (staff, parents and students) late last year and made a presentation at this year’s annual general meeting of College Council.
The Strategic Planning Taskforce developed processes to review and assess achievements of the previous strategic plan, to consult broadly within the College community, to draft a new strategic plan and to conduct focus group reviews of the draft plan. This input from students and parents, past and present, as well as that of staff has resulted in the establishment of the goals to be proposed for implementation during 2014-2018.
The new Villanova College Strategic Plan 2014 – 2018 document is introduced by a brief overview of the College’s story, its Augustinian heritage and values, and the current context for education, the plan presents the College’s goals for the next five years under the five broad dimensions of Faith and Community, Teaching and Learning, Pastoral Care, Co-Curricular Life and Resourcing the Future.
The Strategic Plan 2014 – 2018 builds on the achievements of the recent past in setting challenging yet achievable goals for the future which will be accomplished via a number of projects and activities. Progress of the projects and activities will be monitored annually by College Council. The coming five years promise more exciting times in the growth and development of Villanova.