Published: 30 September 2020
This book gives a clear and interesting presentation of the historical origins of the Order of Saint Augustine in the XIII century and of the spiritual roots of the Order. Starting with an historical analysis, Luis Marin then looks at the present and future of Augustinian spirituality. There is a well-documented historical/spiritual synthesis of the origins of Augustinian Spirituality and an up-to-date explanation of that spirituality. This work is invaluable for any study of the Augustinians. It includes excellent appendices including General Chapters and their dates, Prior Generals and Vicars, Cardinal Protectors, Augustinian Cardinals and Saints and an extensive bibliography, a detailed table of contents and index.
Luis Marin de San Martin OSA is a doctor of dogmatic theology and has a license in spirituality. Presently he is a professor at the Theological Faculty del Norte in Spain, general archivist of the Order and a member of the Augustinian Historical Institute. He has spent some 40 years involved in activities in the academic, formational and pastoral fields.
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