Published: 27 October 2014
The twelfth triennial Augustinian Asia-Pacific Convention took place in Indonesia for four days in late October 2014. In attendance were delegates from nine different congregations and jurisdictions within the broader Augustinian family in the Asia-Pacific.
The purpose of these three-yearly meetings is to review progress of ministry within and cooperation between the participating congregations and jurisdictions: the Order of St Augustine jurisdictions of the Philippines, Japan, India, Korea, Indonesia and Australia, and the following separate congregations: Augustinians of the Assumption, Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy, Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation, and the Discalced Augustinians. Persons from other religious congregations were guest members.
A pattern was followed that has become a tradition in there triennial conventions, e.g., a rite of welcome, an Opening Mass, a number of days of receiving and discussing reports, listening to three keynote addresses, the preparation of resolutions, the election of APAC office bearers, visits to local Augustinian ministries, and a Concluding Mass.
Fr Bernard Holzer, an Augustinian of the Assumption who is stationed in Manila, was re-elected as APAC President for the next three years, and will finish his second presidential term of office at the beginning of the thirteenth APAC triennial Convention which will occur in the Philippines in 2017 at a time and place still to be determined.
APAC CONVENTION 2014 – News pages
Click on the pages named below to be taken to the official APAC website,
Convention overview
President’s Report
Commissions reports
Convention Resolutions
APAC Statutes 2014
Fr Banks’ address
Fr Chang’s address
Bishop Prapdi’s address