Published: 05 February 2016
On 3rd-4th February 2016 the annual Assembly of the Augustinian Delegation of Korea took place in the mother house at Incheon in South Korea. All Augustinian solemnly professed members currently in Korea were the participants.
The occasion marked the end of the thirtieth year of the Augustinians in South Korea and followed in the wake of the recent triple ordination celebrations on 30 December 2015.
As well as the usual annual reporting of ministries and activities, the principal areas of discussion included planning for the future direction of apostolates in Korea. In particular the continuation of the Boys Home conducted by the Order in Incheon was confirmed in the light of more recent information and the availability of personnel to serve the facility in the years to come.
A major decision was made to proceed with the completion of the next phase of building construction of Retreat facilities at Yeon-Cheon in the Diocese of Ui-Cheon-Bu as a matter of priority. In the initial formation of the personnel of the Delegation the possibility of overseas studies for younger members of the Delegation began to be planned, and a policy of ongoing formation by means of sabbatical leave was approved. Within the personnel of the Augustinian Delegation of Korea the year 2016 brings the prospect of a couple of solemn profession ceremonies as well as two priestly ordinations.
The attendance of the Prior General at the next Assembly scheduled for early 2017 was looked forward to with expectation.
The present ministries of the Order in Korea include a retreat house in downtown Incheon, which also offers opportunities to both religious and lay people for spiritual guidance and direction; retreat opportunities in the countryside spirituality centre at Yeoncheon; the social welfare apostolate (Group Home for boys from dysfunctional families) in Incheon, and regular commitments to supply Masses in parishes where there is a need. The Augustinians are one of the pioneering missionary orders involved in the evangelisation in East Asia and have maintained an active presence in the Asia-Pacific region for over four hundred years. Even so, it was only in 1985 that the Augustinians first became involved in the already well-established and active Korean Church.