Latest Updates and Events

28 April 2021
fifth sunday of easter Dominic Dimech

Voice of the Young: A Gospel Reflection for Fifth Sunday of Easter

Dominic Dimech is a member of the Parish Pastoral Council of Holy Spirit Parish, St Clair NSW. He also an active member of the Parish Men’s Ministry.
24 April 2021
Villanova College celebrates ANZAC Day

Villanova College celebrates ANZAC Day

The whole school assembly for ANZAC Day at Villanova College, Brisbane, was graced by a past student, Officer Cadet Casey Kreutzer of the Villanova class of 2017...
24 April 2021

Voice of the Young: A Gospel Reflection for Fourth Sunday of Easter

Michael, a husband and a father of two children, reflects on what it means to be a Good Shepherd, given his experience as a father.
23 April 2021
Augustinian Vocations in Australia

Augustinian Vocations

Thank you for visiting our website! If you are interested in learning more about a vocation with the Augustinians or know of someone who is considering religious life, please contact the Augustinians at...
16 April 2021
James Pirotta

Voice of the Young: A Gospel Reflection for Third Sunday of Easter

James is a parishioner of Holy Spirit Parish, St Clair, NSW. He is a BASIC GIFT member (Brothers and Sisters in Christ Growing in Faith Together)...
9 April 2021
victor daria

Voice of the Young: A Gospel Reflection for Second Sunday of Easter

From the second Sunday of Easter until Pentecost, a young adult associated with our ministry will share gospel reflection on video.