Latest Updates and Events

12 July 2014

Fr Peter McHugh O.S.A. – Rest in Peace

The Australian Province of the Order of St Augustine has announced the death of one of its members, Fr Peter McHugh O.S.A.
23 June 2014

Fifty Years of Augustinians in Nagoya, Japan

Our brothers in the Vicariate of the Augustinian Martyrs of Japan celebrated their golden jubilee of ministry at Nagoya on 22 June 2014, which last century was...
21 June 2014

Rome Meeting for All Augustinian Leaders

The forty-one major superiors of the order, priors provincial and the superiors of vicariates and delegations gathered in Rome...
7 June 2014

Sydney: North Harbour Parish

The Manly Vale Church has re-opened. From 28th April until Saturday, 6th June 2014 St Kieran’s Church was closed for renovations. The building is now...
2 June 2014

Brisbane: St. James Parish

The Parish of St James, Coorparoo (Brisbane) has been in the care of the Augustinians since 1952. Villanova College, also conducted by the Order, is located within the parish.
20 May 2014

Mareeba: St. Thomas Parish

On Sunday, 18 May 2014, a Bush Mass was organized by the Catholic Aborigines of the Mareeba Parish.