Latest Updates and Events

8 August 2017

Villanova Music Stays on the Right Note

QCMF is the largest youth music festival of its kind in the Asia-Pacific Region. Having started in 1991 with just 43 performances from 12 local Catholic schools...
31 July 2017

A Rochester Building Outlasts the Friars

A stately building that was built by the Parish of Rochester (Victoria, Australia) for Augustinian priests serving in the Parish.
29 July 2017

Augustinian International Education Congress

From July 24-28, 2017 an International Congress about Augustinian Education drew together 155 participants from twenty-four...
28 May 2017

Three New Augustinian Priests

The Australasian Province of the Order of St Augustine has celebrated the priestly ordination of another three of its friars. All aged between...
20 May 2017

Augustine: Love, Loss and Liberation

The concert featured seventeen vocal compositions by Tony MacPherson, which together portrayed Augustine’s life and loves in a way that captures his humanity and emotions.
13 May 2017
Fire Wrapped in Stone.

Fire Wrapped in Stone

In 1972 the late Fr Rod Cameron O.S.A. published his first book of poems upon Aboriginal religious (“dream time”) themes.